Friendship International

Friendship International

Other Classes And Activities

Women's Bible Study Class
Tuesday 11:00 am.
This class is for women who are interested to know more about real joy in life from Bible.
Children Okay

Men's Class
Monday & Wendsday 8:00~9:30 pm.
This class is everyday life English on Monday and God's way of successful life on Wednesday.

Church Class
Sunday Morning 11:00 am.
This class is about friendship with God and friendship with people.
After the class we have potluck lunch and relax together.
Child care provided.

Restaurant Club
A weekday lunch time.
This activity is to experience new restaurants in the Ann Arbor area.
Your husband/wife is welcome to come with you.
Each person pays for his own lunch.

Home Stay
Steve & Linda have openings for home stay in their home.
This can be one week or 1 year.
They have hosted many internationals in their home.
For details please email here.

Mother's class
The mother-child class is every Thursday or Firday morning 9:30 ~ 11:00 or 11:10~12:40.
Childcare for children 0 up to 3 years.
Class fee is $36 each month.
Limit 7 mothers in each class.
To register or for more information contact here.

Linda's Cooking Class - Traditional American Cooking
All classes each week have the same menu. There are two different menus each month
The Class usually has 4~8 students. Children are okay.
The cost for class is $35 per month for two class or $20 for one class.
For Register email here.

Private English Lesson
Some teachers are availiable for private tutoring.
The teacher and the student decide on the schedule.
The teacher decides the fee.
Please send email here for detail.

Previous students can register by email.
New students come to the school for a placement interview or email here to make appointment.
All classes are open for new students.

English Classes        Class Schedules          Teachers        Donate    Volunteers       Contact Us


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